Wednesday, August 24, 2011

UFO: Afterlight

Platforms:  (PC)

Release date: May 4, 2007

Modes:  Single player campaign

Type:  Real time strategy (RTS)

An excellent game.  Many claim this game is what X-Com was meant to be.  Under a slightly less sinister atmosphere than X-Com and similar games, UFO Afterlight takes place in a future where Reticulans defeat human beings and force the last remaining into exile on Mars.  There humanity is forced to survive and attempt to thrive amongst masses of enemies and the harsh unlivable Martian environment.  On top of this the ancient inhabitants or Martians appear to have left behind an immense number of machines intent on destroying any who make their home there.  It is a dangerous situation indeed.  You must research new areas and technologies, access and secure vital resources, all while protecting yourself from attack by all manner of hostile forces.  It is a game of survival of the highest order.  Unlike X-Com and other similar turn-based games, UFO Afterlight is instead in real time, with options to pause, slow and even speed up the standard flow of time on both the planetary map view and during tactical missions.  A perfect game and certainly one of the best amongst the UFO or X-Com style alien combat variety.

Game Trailers and Info Below:

Game Patches:

Game Mods:

Game Cheats:  [NOTE: These are the main UFO: Afterlight cheats that are usually applied by pressing down the right key combination. Please find the instructions on how to use these cheats below.

Cheat Codes
To enable the game console, add the following line to the game's shortcut: enable_system_console=true

For Example:

"C:\Program Files\CENEGA\UFO Afterlight\UFO.exe" --options scale_texs=1 video_caption=TRUE enable_system_console=true

While playing, press [~] to bring up the console, then type any of the following cheat codes

full_store: 25+ of Each Type of Equipment (enter at global screen)
add_experience #: Adds Experience (enter at people screen)
resource_all: Gives Resources (enter at global screen)
kill_enemies: Kill Everyone on Map (enter in mission)
?: List All Commands (Different Codes at Different Screens)]

Official website:

1 comment:

  1. I recommend the Total Rebalance mod. It's one of the best I've used.
